Addi's b-day countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So I have really been trying to watch what I eat and how much I eat, but my butt is getting bigger anyway! I didn't think I would have gained any weight yet, but my butt and hips are getting bigger as we speak! I just got my dress fitted for Amanda's wedding and I will be OK if that area grows a little more, but I can't gain any in my rib cage area. I have stopped working out for the time being because I have been really worried about the cramping, but I plan on starting again after I get an OK from the doctor on Thursday. I don't think I'm going to run anymore (my doctor said it is OK, but I'm afraid it will cause my cramping to increase and I really don't want that) but I am going to walk to the school quickly and continue my workout routine with Nikki. 

I am starting to feel a little more nauseous in the mornings and the afternoons. I am only 6 weeks pregnant, so I am wondering if it will get worse (I really don't care if it does though, I am just so thankful to be pregnant). I kind of like to feel this way because it helps me know that there is a baby growing inside me :-) The only thing I could really do with out as of now is my butt  getting bigger...that just stinks!

Bye for now!

1 comment:

  1. it will get better...just wait until the 2nd trimester, you will glow :)
