Addi's b-day countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, May 21, 2009

We saw our peanut's heartbeat today :-) It was truly the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my whole life! We actually saw our baby (tiny but still there!) and I really have not felt like this has all been real until today. Words cannot explain the emotions that I was feeling today. I have pictured this moment for as long as I can remember and it was nothing what I was way better! Having Michael, the man of my dreams, standing next to me with his baby growing inside me was the most amazing thing I have ever experienced in my life. 

The sonogram technician was SO sweet! She told me that she had a really good feeling about our pregnancy last week (even though we couldn't see anything then) and she was genuinely happy for us! She gave me a picture of our sonogram and I have been showing our first baby picture off to everyone at school today!!! I have not told my kids and I don't think I will until the very end of school. However, it was really hard for me to not scream our news to anyone within earshot of me :-) Today is the day that I finally felt like I could breath again. I am finally able to start enjoying this pregnancy (I know I'm not out of the woods yet, but I'm not going to live my life in fear).

Bye for now!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So I have really been trying to watch what I eat and how much I eat, but my butt is getting bigger anyway! I didn't think I would have gained any weight yet, but my butt and hips are getting bigger as we speak! I just got my dress fitted for Amanda's wedding and I will be OK if that area grows a little more, but I can't gain any in my rib cage area. I have stopped working out for the time being because I have been really worried about the cramping, but I plan on starting again after I get an OK from the doctor on Thursday. I don't think I'm going to run anymore (my doctor said it is OK, but I'm afraid it will cause my cramping to increase and I really don't want that) but I am going to walk to the school quickly and continue my workout routine with Nikki. 

I am starting to feel a little more nauseous in the mornings and the afternoons. I am only 6 weeks pregnant, so I am wondering if it will get worse (I really don't care if it does though, I am just so thankful to be pregnant). I kind of like to feel this way because it helps me know that there is a baby growing inside me :-) The only thing I could really do with out as of now is my butt  getting bigger...that just stinks!

Bye for now!

Friday, May 15, 2009

I went to the doctor yesterday and so far good news! We couldn't see much of anything at this point, but the sonogram tech told me that everything looks OK for this time period in my pregnancy. I am going back on Thursday for another sonogram because apparently we will be able to see the baby and a heart beat (I can't believe that can all happen in a week!!!) and the doctors want to make sure everything looks good. 

After we talked with the nurse about the results, Michael and I felt like we could breath again. However, I will feel MUCH better once we can hear and see our little peanut's heartbeat. I would absolutely anything for our little one and I feel so helpless when I think that there is really nothing I can do. This is such an amazing time in my life and I don't want anything to happen to take it away.

I will update after our next appointment on Thursday!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

So my pregnancy has not being going exactly how I have wanted it. I have been experiencing a lot of cramping (some of which has been pretty spotting though) for the past week and a half. Obviously, it has made Michael and me extremely nervous so I called my doctor and he had me go in for a blood test today and scheduled an early ultrasound for tomorrow. It's probably too early to see anything on the ultrasound, but I think they are going to make sure that I don't have an Etopic pregnancy (a pregnancy in any other place other than the uterus) or a Blighted Ovum (a pregnancy where the baby dies but leaves an empty sac) or something else. I have had some wonderful support from friends (especially Nikki and Mrs. Strong) and my mom, but it scares me to death to think about what could happen. I hope that tomorrow my doctor will tell me everything is fine ad that Michael and I will have a beautiful baby in 9 months. 

We know that we shouldn't worry about this because there is nothing we can do, but it still scares us. I will update as soon as I can. Thanks for your thoughts!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

This has been a VERY busy week! I took off Thursday and Friday (even though we were supposed to have those days off anyway...) to go see the beautiful Georgia in person! She truly is the second most beautiful baby I have ever seen!! (I have not been able to see the most beautiful baby yet :-), but I know he/she is there) I'm so glad that I got to be part of that. I learned so much from Pat and Holly and I am so grateful that I get to watch them grow through this awesome experience! It felt very natural for me to hold Georgia in my arms and it has made me feel more confident about having our baby. 

On a different note, I have to go back to work tomorrow :-( It was really nice to have this last week off. I am ready for summer, but I'm going to have to wait until July because I am teaching summer school. At least Nikki and I will be teaching kindergarten together so it will be OK. And we really need that money for maternity leave.

Well...I'm really tired so I am going to relax. Bye for now!

Thursday, May 7, 2009


So...Michael and I are PREGNANT! We are still in a state of shock but we are SO very excited. I have dreamed about this my entire life and I can't believe I am actually here. It feels good to finally say it out loud so everyone can hear it. I am extremely nervous about putting it out there so soon, but I can't live my life in fear right?!? So here's the story:

I noticed I was late on Saturday so when we got home from Nikki and Kevin's house, I took a pregnancy test. I looked at it right away (not a really good idea btw) and there was only one line, so I threw it away. I went about my night routine and I was about to go to bed when I thought, "maybe I should check it one more time." So I took it out of our trash can and sure enough...there were two lines! One was very dark and the second was really faint, but it was there. I showed it to Michael and we decided to not get our hopes up. I would take another one in the morning. Well...I didn't sleep at all that night. I was experiencing a lot of emotions. I finally fell asleep but I woke up at 3:00 am and I just couldn't take it any more. I took another test and there were two dark and one faint.

The next morning I called my mom in tears because I finally let myself feel everything! I was scared but happy, nervous but excited, and so many more all at the same time (very weird to feel so many emotions at one time). She said I should probably think about taking a digital test...just to be sure. Long story short, I did and it said "pregnant." This was the time when Michael knew it was for real and I will NEVER forget his face. It was priceless :-) 

I went to the doctor on Tuesday and they confirmed it! We are due on January 7, 2010. Our first sonogram is May 28th. I can't wait to hear our peanut's heartbeat! 

Thanks so much for your loving comments on facebook. We are looking forward to the journey ahead of us. I will keep you posted! 

Friday, May 1, 2009

No school for a full WEEK!! I can't believe it :-) It is a really nice surprise vacation. I am hopping to make it down to Bryan to hang out with Holly and Pat on Thursday. I don't know if Michael will be able to go, but I will be there on Thursday. I hope to be there when Georgia comes :-)

I have been SO tired this week. I have not been sleeping well at all and I have no idea why. It is really nice to have this break in the middle of May! We should have two spring breaks a year. This break is going to be really nice.

I wonder what is going to happen if summer school is canceled. I will probably get a job on the side. We want to save as much money as we can. I will look into pre-schools around the area or something. We'll see.