Addi's b-day countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, February 26, 2010

6 Weeks

Sleeping beauty!

My baby is getting bigger :-(

She likes her sling when I'm walking around. When I wear this, it feels like I'm pregnant again!

This bag was mine when I was little...and it looks adorable on my daughter! Look at that smile :-)

I can't believe that Addi is almost 7 weeks old! Time is flying by so fast...which is good and bad. I love spending this time with her but I am really excited to see what she is going to be like when she is older! I know I will regret saying this, but I am looking forward to her crawling, taking her first steps, and hearing what her first word will be! However, I really enjoy my little bundle right now. She is SO cute because she is finally starting to notice the world around her. She has really started sleeping better at night, which means she is not sleeping so well during the day. She fights naps by crying (screaming actually) until I can finally get her to fall asleep. I feel so badly for her because I know she doesn't want to miss anything, but she is too sleepy to stay awake for longer than an hour and a half at a time.

Addi is getting so big! She has almost outgrown her 0-3 clothes and she is not even 2 months old! We tried on a 3-6 outfit today and it was pretty big around her tummy and chest, but it almost fit the length of her body! I just can't believe it.

In other news, my mom is coming on Thursday!!! I'm so excited because she has not seen Addi since she left in January! She has changed so much!!!

Well, it's time for Addi to wake up. Bye for now!

Friday, February 19, 2010

5 Weeks

Here are some pictures of her from this week!


My friend Megan is having her baby today (in Oregon, otherwise I would go visit her instead of writing this post!!) and thinking about her and Michael has got me thinking about Addi's birthday. No matter how horrible the whole process was (and it was extremely horrible), I got the most precious gift out of it! My daughter is absolutely amazing a beautiful and I couldn't ask for a more precious baby! After her birth, my hormones were not normal and I had a really hard time with the transition of having a baby. Overall, I was not myself at all. I missed out on some really precious time with Addi during that time and I wish with all of me that I could go back (the way that I am now) and relive the experience. I love spending time with Addi, I love looking at her, kissing her, holding her, watching her, nursing her (I have actually come to like doing it... especially since I have a manual pump now that I can use in the car on the way to a restaurant or place if we are out. I still don't want to nurse in public so this has helped a lot!) and so much more! I love just being with her and I miss her when she is sleeping for naps or for the night. I just wish so much that I didn't have to go through that transition period, dealing with hormone changes, becoming a mom, healing from the c-section, and deal with the trama from her delivery so I could have given her all of me from the beginning.

Enough of that! I am SO happy for Megan and Michael. I can't wait to see pictures of Grayson :-) I know he is going to be little, because Addi was when she was born too! But babies change so fast. Addi looks like a baby to me know, not a newborn any more. I know she is only a 5 and 1/2 weeks old, but she has changed so much from the first few days of her life. I hope Megan and Michael enjoy every minute of these first few days. Waking up every 3 hours to feed is not fun, but that's OK.

Speaking of sleep...Addi has been sleeping in her nursery since Monday and she has been doing great!!! The first night was not so good. We both had to get used to being away from each other and she needed to get used to her room, but Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday night she has slept longer than ever before. I really think it's because she has been sleeping in her room and we don't wake her up if we cough, change positions, or go to the bathroom. I'm really glad that we did it!

Well...that's it for now.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

4 Weeks

Here are some pictures of Addison (4 weeks old)

I can't believe that Addi is already 4 weeks old. I know it's only been a month, but time has flown by! I guess time has gone so fast because I live my life in 3 hour periods...which makes the day seem shorter.

Addi is getting so much stronger every day! She can lift her head for about 30 seconds before she gets tired, which is awesome! She can follow objects from side to side. I have seen her smile while she is awake and looking at me twice now!!! I am going to assume that those smiles were for me! I think she knows my voice because when Michael is holding her and I talk she kind of turns her head to look at me. That makes me really happy. She still grunts ALL of the time, but I am starting to hear different sounds mixed in as well.

Addi has moved on from newborn to size 0-3. Her newborn clothes were too tight for her (and too short)! We also moved on to size 1 diapers today because I'm tired of the explosions that were happening. The size 1s are a little big, but she has plenty of room for everything in them! LOL.

I am so in love with Addison! I love to look at her, kiss her hands and her chubby cheeks, rub her head and her back, give her massages after her morning bath and before she goes to sleep, put her on my chest and watch her lift her head so she can look at me, and so much more! She is the most amazing little human I have ever laid my eyes on.

And speaking of eyes...hers confuse me. I have no idea what color they are going to be. It seems like her eyes are getting lighter...not darker. It would make sense for her to have brown eyes since Michael and I both have brown eyes. However, Michael has green in his genes and I have blue, so there is a slight chance that she could have lighter eyes. She has olive skin like me though...and it's strange for a person with darker skin to have lighter eyes. I guess we will just have to wait and see.

That's it for now. Bye!