Addi's b-day countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

10 Weeks

I can't believe how much Addi has changed in just 10 short weeks! She is more alert during her "play" time, which is a lot more fun for Michael and I. We can all actually play and interact and she seems to really enjoy it! She is smiling ALL of the time and I love it! I will do absolutely anything to see her beautiful gummy smile. We sing songs, tickle her belly, and just smile at her (and she will smile back). Making my baby smile is the most amazing feeling in the world!

Addi is more alert during her awake times, but that leads to a very over stimulated and tired baby when she wants to sleep, which means she cries harder and longer than she has ever before. I hate when she cries like that! It feels like someone is ripping my heart of my chest. She still fights sleep during the day but she is still doing really well at night!

Yesterday, Michael and I decided to take her to see Diary of a Wimpy Kid. She was GREAT! We swaddled her and she slept most of the time...I was very surprised because the movie was kind of loud. It was really nice! Michael, Addi, and I had a great time on our date! We might do that more often while she is still little enough to sleep most of the time.

I love Addison so much! We are SO lucky to have her as a baby. Bye for now :-)


  1. I can't get over how pretty she is! Y'all are in for it in about 15 years...

    If you ever need someone to watch Addi when you see a movie (you know, when she won't sleep through it anymore) I'm here!!! :)
