Addi's b-day countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

9 Weeks


I know it's been a while, but things have been really busy around here. Addison is getting so big I can hardly stand it! Although I am so excited to see what she is going to be like when she is a toddler, I love this baby stage! She is so cute and cuddly. I love the new sounds she makes every day and watching her get stronger and more baby like.

We are so lucky to have Addison as a baby. She is a really calm baby (most of the time) and extremely flexible and easy going. She was wonderful at Nikki and Kevin's wedding this weekend (which was beautiful!). She didn't cry until the very end of the evening. I am so proud of her for that!

This evening was a rough one. She didn't sleep much today at all which leads to a very tired baby. She cried for an hour and a half straight...not like her AT ALL! And it wasn't the normal baby was like she was saying, "I'm so tired and I don't know what to do!" She sounded so weak and helpless (I checked for a fever just to make sure she wasn't sick and it was normal). She even cried in the middle of her feeding. I felt so helpless. I hate listening to her cry like that! I am not used to it because she really doesn't cry like that very much.

Tomorrow is a new day and hopefully she will actually go down for her afternoon naps so this won't happen again! Bye for now!

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