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Sunday, June 7, 2009

Amanda's wedding!!!

Amanda and Owen got married yesterday and it was BEAUTIFUL! The wedding was at 10:30 a.m. in a Catholic church in Dallas. I was so worried that my dress wouldn't fit...but we got it on! However, I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable. My dress was really tight. I really felt like a sausage all morning. I was afraid if I took too deep of a breath, my dress was going to rip at the seams. The wedding and reception was awesome, but I was counting down the minutes until I was able to change into something I could actually breath and sit in!

After the wedding, Michael and I headed over to Pat's parent's house to hang out with friends/their family. Pat's parents are REALLY nice! They always take us in, feed us, and treat us like part of the family. :-) 

We can't wait for Holly, Pat, and Georgia to move up here. I know they will still be an hour away, but it is better than 3 like it is right now. Georgia has gotten a LOT bigger in this past month. I have missed her SO much and it was really great to get to hold her again. It is amazing how much I love Georgia (and she is not even my daughter), imagine how much I'm going to love our peanut (I would already do anything for him/her) :-)

I start summer school stuff tomorrow, but I only have to teach 4 weeks until I can actually begin summer!! I am so ready for a break. We going to Ohio over the 4th of July weekend, then my parents are coming here for a while (YAY!), then it's off to Florida for a week in the end of July.

Well, that's it for now. Bye!


  1. Hi Mary and Michael....I am enjoying your blog and happy to hear peanut Vick is doing well. Love you and miss you.
    Godmother D.
