Addi's b-day countdown

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, September 27, 2009

25 Weeks!!!

25 Weeks

I am loving being pregnant right now! I feel good (for the most part). I love feeling her move, which is a whole lot now, and it has been getting harder every day :-)

I have been having contractions quite a bit lately. I called the doctor and he had me come in. He checked me and said everything looked good. He said the contractions where not making any progress so we don't need to be worried. I have been dealing with cramping throughout the entire pregnancy and the contractions are not that much worse. I will deal with anything for Addi...just as long as she is safe.

Well...tonight is a school night so it's time for bed.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Week 21

Week 23

So I have gained a lot of weight (I know it's for the baby)!!! But I have A LOT of work to do after Addi is born. That's OK though. Michael and I are going to join Weight Watchers again together and I know that will help a lot!

In good news...I love feeling Addi moving. She is moving ALL of the time and in all different spots. We can even see her kicking (which is both weird and really cool!!!!).

I'm tired so I'm going to relax. Bye for now <3